Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Discusting soup! :P

After I came home today, I was hungry, as always. And I saw Noodles! :) But they were from a chinese market, in Anchorage. I never really knew how grose seafood tasted! It was discusting! Horrible, and it even smelled weird.

So I spilled it out, and gonna read now. :)


Monday, August 29, 2011

The swampies

This story is going to start with a kite. And a Birthday party. :)

Today, me Sam, and Kim went honda riding! Basically all day! Then we went to fortunes, and bought a kite. And a present for Kaden.

Then we went to the party, and I gave him his present. Then I flew my kite! :) As I told you before, on my other blog, that I have lost a kite before, and I got it back.

Bu the first time I lost it at the birthday party, I actually got it back, it was a little far out, but I got it back :) And the second time it flew away, was when John was playing with it. And he let it go. I watched the handle go around the antenna of the house across the street, and then farther out into the tundra. I chased it, and was about to give up before I saw it stop. It caught on something, and was way up there. 

WhenI got there looking for the string, some of the little kids came running over. They all said the swampies is scaaary! They said that its all gushy and deep, thats why some of them went back over to the party. But DJ stayed and helped a bit. He looked at the kite. and said "Get down here you little brat!"

And then went back to the party. Now I was looking for it, all by myself. But there were so many things there.

There were skeletons of toys and easter baskets.

I just gave up and lied down, and waited for something to happen.

Then I heard the kite start to mak alot of noise. I didn't mind it, then I felt a string on my nose. I got up, and saw the kite down, and me holding the string, I was soo happy! :) I got the kite back into the air, and started to follow the string.

The string was actually nowhere where we were looking, it was way back. But I just tok the kite back to the party, and was starting to reel it back in. I got tired, and let sam do it. Bacause I was hungry.

After I went inside, Sam came in holding the kite string. Of course... it was gone.

Im too tired to type anymore.

OH Im leaving tomorrow! :) STATE FAIR!! :D 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

IF I cud pay for sunshine...

Usually, the weather here is GRAY and RAINY. And It's like that almost ALL THE TIME. :) But today is sunny...ish. Which is good! But dont you wish you cud just pay for it?

Like a dollar a day, does repay, for the sushine to come out and play! ALL DAY! :)

If that were true, I Would be broke :) If you REALLY love sun! YOU should give it 365$!! :D WE WOULD HAVE SUN ALL YEAR!! :D

I wish that were true.

Basically, all of the people I usually visit left yesterday. And I was supposed to go with them! But... I got bumped!!!

But Ill go ina few days, I think.

For now, I want to walk! WITH MY IPAD! :D

I look ridiculous walking with it though! LOL

Well, the clouds keep getting the way of the sun, so its changing alot. Gray, sunny, gray, sunny, GRAY, sunny. And it kinda  gets shorter everytime

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Unhappiness... :(

Usually I'm happy! A very happy fun person. :)

But I do get sad sometimes.

I feel unimportant sometimes... And it makes me...  sad. BUT im not depressed, just fell a little... out of place. 

And some people I think dont really like to talk to me :( I think they take me out of chat on facebook :( Which hurts alot :( :(... and... some people do. That makes me feel unimportant, and more sad.

I do feel forgotten sometimes too. Some people forget me even when im here... but... they do. :/ And always goes and does something fun... without me. :( Which really hurts... :(

I just want my mom back... And I dont want to deal with the unhappy things right now... :,( BUT everything didn't really change after she was gone.

and some people broke promises.

I just want to go away sometimes... And I sometimes think everyone will be happier here if I left. They probably wouldn't even notice... :,(

IM sick and tired of apologies from people :,(
I don't want to remember what happened to mom! It always makes me cry.
And now I have to deal with this stupid crap?! Unhappiness?! I guess so!! :,( :,(

And SOME people said I can talk to them about things when I'm sad...
Well only a few friends did that... the other ones who dont even have me on chat NEVER got my messages... or even REPLIED!!! :,(


They hardly pay attention to me! Which really FRICKING hurts!! Thanks alot... liars... :,(

Broken promises, Loss of a person, and being forgotten. Wow, well that sounds wonderfull... :,(

The last thing I need is to deal with the STUPID hard parts of life right now!

Along with pressure from school... JUST GREAT! :,(

Only SOME actual NICE friends talk to me... and actually reply, with a nice answer... Unlike some people who don't even talk to me... or have me on chat. Misewell delete me... :,(

Well you should just be happy you have a mom right now.


YOU WILL NEVER know how hard it is when you're mom is actually gone.
No more saying "Mom" Or hearing her voice ever again.

Shes just gone

No one to cook you you're favorite meals.

Or talk to anymore.

Well my mom is gone... I have to deal with that, along with the stupid parts of life. Who basically forgot about me.

IF U READ THIS. Go show it to everyone! :,(

And if you really DO care about me... you wud keep promises... and actually talk to me......... instead of having me on a FRICKING list!!! THAT HURTS!!!! :,( :,(

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The half feeling of ACCOMPLishment

Well, I DID read the book. but I only did two pages. Because I'm tired. but I did more than I was supposed to do. Which is good... I think

But I kind of feel better now that I finished a lot today.

Well bye now, Im gonna go to bed!

Wow, maybe I should wait longer before I make a post. Because The ones I make now are short. :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I am going to do this!!! But I REALLY don't want to. :/

I got homework... I do! I already finished my math, and I was doing Aleks. And I was on the last problem, LAST PROBLEM and my horrible internet quit out! Now all I have left to do is reading! :/

I already did one chapter and wrote about it, like I'm supposed to do. All I'm supposed to do is one. But... I am going to do 4!! Yeah, lots of work.

Homework... CHECK!

I just now finished math! Well... the first assignment. And it was easy! :D

I also went running today... again! It's hard, and IRDK how people do it LOL. But... I guess ill do it, :)

Wow, nothing really to say. SO SEE U LATER!