Saturday, August 6, 2011

Stupid moody internet

OMG I HATE SCHOOL..well... I hate it here, I would like it better in Anchorage. :)

Well, enough of that depressing subject, lets move on to something fun. BUT THERE IS NOTHING FUN TO TALK ABOUT!! THERE IS NO BRIGHT SIDE AT THE MOMENT!! The weather outside is terrible, we live in a tiny little COLD town that isn't even on the map. And if it is, you have ti squint to see it, google earth would probably have problems finding it. AND ALASKA IS HARDLY ON THE MAP EITHER, ITS LIKE WAY OFF TO THE SIDE!!!

And the internet here, is crappy, and moody. Sometimes it's nice to you and opens up you're facebook page. but when it isn't, and doesn't load ANYTHING..... YOU DIE!!!!!!! ITS HORRIBLE!!!!!!

Today, I went for a walk, (before it was raining) with my ipad. THEN it started raining. CRAP! As I walked back to my grams, I was glaring at the sky saying how stupid mother nature is. SHE RUINED MY WALK!! I AM NOT TALKING OR FORGIVING HER UNTILL SHE BRINGS NICE WEATHER!!! LOL!!!

The internet's mood right now, is, grouchy but it will work. Thats whats it's usual mood is, but at night it's really nice! Like at midnight.

Oh, I watched the second Diary of a wimpy kid movie thing. It was Okay... Cheesy... but okay.

NOW everyone who is out there, like anyone ever is, BY JERKS!!!!!! haha lol jk your all awesome 

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